A suburban dweller, Ruth Rooks is drawn to paint rural and
urban landscapes - the ever-changing nature of the out of
doors, contrasting with the energy, architecture, and drama
of the city. Inspired by Boston's Big Dig - the largest public
works project in the country - she has masterfully captured
a memorable chapter in Boston's history in an unparalleled
body of work. An accomplished gardener, Mrs. Rooks infuses
her landscapes with uncommon color, a tribute to her keen
eye and wit. Always compelling, her paintings eloquently convey
the very essence of her subject, from the hugeness of girders
and earthmovers in Scenes of Construction to stark, rocky
outcroppings in isolated rural settings.
Her latest suites of paintings cap off a lengthy and creative
artistic career. She is a highly regarded member of several
local and national art associations, including the distinguished
Copley Society of Boston and the National Acrylic Painters
Association, where she has been invited to show her watercolors
and portraits, and has received numerous awards. Having earned
both a bachelor's and a master's degrees in art, she has been
a favored middle school teacher in inner-city schools and
on Boston's North Shore, where she now conducts workshops
for adults.